Drinking artesian spring water promotes health and well-being

Proper hydration is the very essence of optimal health.  We are constantly being told that drinking water is good for us and that we don’t drink adequate amounts of it. However, just drinking water is not enough. It does matter what sort of water we drink as well. Our health and well-being depends a lot…

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Why we feel the way we feel?

Emotions are subjectively experienced states of feeling and our conscious mental reactions towards the world around us which affect what we experience as reality. For a very long time the limbic system of the brain has been recognised as the seat of human emotions. The classical neuroscientists agreed that emotions were controlled by the core…

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How dehydration causes a disease?

“Water, thou hast no taste, no colour, no odour; canst not be defined, art relished while Not necessary to life, but rather life itself, thou fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses.”(Antoine de Saint-Exupery) A statement that water is not necessary for life but it is in fact life itself…

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How a disease starts in the body?

About 70% of our planet’s surface is covered by water. It is no coincidence that the human body consists of about 70% of water in total as well. So, we are a body of water and this magnificent liquid is a basic building block of life on planet Earth, critical to our very survival. We…

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How to boost your self esteem?

Modern world appears to be obsessed with physical appearance and the cult of beauty. Our society places particular value on certain physical characteristics and distorts the true image of the human body into an ideal hard to attain, if not impossible. The blossoming beauty industry moulds the consumers’ needs and desires, taking an advantage of…

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How to find peace in today’s busy world?

We often think that maintaining peace in the world is other people’s responsibility and we tend to look to the politicians and spiritual leaders to keep the world and our countries stable. In today’s world torn by conflict, violence and a constant threat of a global war, peace is not something that should be taken…

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The five elements of health- path to optimal health and well-being

The concept of five elements in nature Many ancient traditions around the globe support the concept that the universe consists of five basic elements such as: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Ether or Spirit. The first four are more of a physical nature and the fifth one is non-physical. Each of them has its own…

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Family traumas can cause obsessive thoughts, depression and anxiety. How to end the cycle?

Many people today struggle with physical and emotional diseases such as depression, phobias, obsessive thoughts, anxiety or a wide range of chronic illnesses. They often lose hope along the way, trying to uncover the source of their ailments and life struggles. What they fail to realize is that often the cause to their problems and…

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Do we think or feel first? Get to know your true nature

There has always been much debate over the human’s true nature and whether we are primarily thinking or feeling beings. Many people are confused about this since our mainly left brain orientated western society gives a lot of attention and credit to the logical mind and thinking processes. From very early age we have been…

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Finding meaning in illness

For hundreds years, old scientific theories made us believe that our bodies were no more than solid objects and the universe around us was an enormous, machine-like system, running according to a predictable set of laws. As we rushed around our daily lives in our mechanistic and materialistic world, we lost sight of the deeper…

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