How to heal emotional and spiritual toxins

The concept of toxins and their adverse effect on our health has not been very well known until recent years. More people are still blissfully unaware of the fact that a great deal of diseases stem from a toxic overload they carry in the bodies. These toxins can adversely affect not only the body, causing…

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What really stress does to you?

To fight or flight- that is the question? In today’s fast paced world most people agree that a busy and stressful life is just a norm. It just the way it is, not much can be done about it, you may think. People rush around their over-busy lives day in and day out without giving…

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Why we enter relationships

How do we connect with other people? We naturally connect to and build relationships with other people. Our relationships have a powerful influence over our lives and destiny. You may not be fully aware of how much these connections shape your future until one day you realize that all along you’ve hung around with the…

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Christmas time…How to energetically prepare for this special festive season

Sparkly Christmas trees, lighting and other Christmas decorations have begun to appear on the streets, in stores and supermarkets. Christmas songs are back on the hit list on the radio and television. Christmas specialities have returned on the shop shelves and to cafe menus. It is a clear sign that the festive season yet again…

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Living in the Now

These days more and more  people are familiar with the concept of ‘living in the Now’ or ‘being present in the Now moment’. Our physical body cannot live in the past or travel to the future, it can only exist in each moment. It’s  true that the only real power exists in the present as…

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Why it’s important to cleanse and balance aura

As an Energy Field Healer I view the world through the energy eyes and I am amazed to see how this invisible sea of energy which we are surrounded with shapes our lives and future potentials. Every single day we participate in an enormous amount of personal interactions with other people and receive energetic data…

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Healing wounds and traumatic experiences

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it (Einstein) Most scientists nowadays agree that we are more than physical beings or solid objects as we have perceived ourselves so far. Human organism is not just a physical structure made up of atoms, cells, tissues and systems. Like all living…

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What are internal toxins and how to remove them?

Almost every person living in today’s polluted world has some sort of internal toxins in their bodies. We are exposed to an enormous amount of toxic substances every single day- in water we drink, air we breathe or food we eat. Regular and ongoing exposure to harmful chemicals and other toxins leads to an accumulation…

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Blood transfusion and cellular memory

Blood transfusion is a medical procedure of transferring blood or its components into one’s circulation via a vein. It is used when a person is ill or injured to replace lost blood, e.g. after a car accident. It is a fairly short and often life saving treatment. If carried out safely and correctly, it does…

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