Blood transfusion is a medical procedure of transferring blood or its components into one’s circulation via a vein. It is used when a person is ill or injured to replace lost blood, e.g. after a car accident. It is a fairly short and often life saving treatment. If carried out safely and correctly, it does not usually cause adverse allergic reactions which the conventional medicine is mainly concerned with.

However, many patients who went through a blood transfusion often report mild ‘adverse’ reactions that are of a very subtle and unusual nature. They describe their experience as ‘not feeling like themselves’. The issue with blood transfusions is that at the energetic level, the blood carries the consciousness resonance of the person it came from, so people feel ‘out of sorts’ as they quite simply have ‘stranger’s’ energy in their system.

How does it work at the cell’s level? The human body is a magnificent and sophisticated biological computer. It has been proven beyond doubts by many scientists and spiritual traditions that the brain is not the only place where our memory is stored. All our memories and life experiences are imprinted outside and around our body in our energy field as well as inside it in every single cell. Our cellular memory can be described as a set of files in the bio-computer of our body that contains all sorts of interesting information about our life- ancestral and individual history, all conscious and unconscious patterns, habits and interests. Every individual is different; there is no two similar people. Our life is as unique as our fingerprints and is imprinted on each cell of the body. Cellular memory may be what hinders organ transplantations. We all probably heard stories about organ recipients who developed new habits similar to their donors following organ transplantation. The latest scientific evidence reveals that so called torsion fields are responsible for information transfer via biological material and as a result, cellular memory issues.

At the smaller scale, this phenomenon occurs after blood transfusions and cellular memory gives a scientific basis for these extraordinary happenings. From an energetic and spiritual point of view blood is a precious gift of life, part of one person’s body and consciousness offered up to another. It needs to be treated with gratitude. An experienced energy field healer can assist you with balancing your energy field after a blood transfusion to enhance health and well-being. Click here to find out more about this therapy.