Coronavirus pandemic

At the end of December 2019 Chinese public health authorities reported several cases of acute respiratory syndrome in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It soon became apparent that the new coronavirus was the major causative agent. This disease is now known as the coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19), while the pathogen causing it has been called acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). According tospecialists, this is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans; however, coronaviruses have been known before. They have to mutate to survive.

The epidemic that originated in Wuhan quickly spread to other regions of China, followed by subsequent cases in several other countries. Outbreaks and clusters of the disease have since been observed in Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa and the Americas, and the World Health Organization (WHO) have announced the coronavirus pandemic across the world.

What is coronavirus (COVID-19)?

The COVID-19 virus mainly spreads through saliva droplets or nasal secretions when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important to follow respiratory hygiene rules, for example, by coughing away in a bent elbow. COVID-19 is an infectious disease that can affect the airways and give symptoms such as:

  • high temperature
  • new, continuous cough – this means coughing for more than an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes within 24 hours (if you usually cough, with a coronavirus infection the cough may get worse)

Some people infected with COVID-19 virus experience mild to moderate respiratory problems and recover without the need for special medical treatment, while many patients require hospitalization and specialist medical assistance. Immunocompromised people, in particular, seniors and people with various other illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and cancer are particularly vulnerable to more severe respiratory symptoms caused by the coronavirus.

How to protect yourself from infections and improve health?

prevent infectionTo protect yourself against the coronavirus infection and other viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites, which in favorable circumstances may be a threat to our health, first of all, we should keep our immune system functioning at an optimal level and constantly support our immune cells in efficiently combating pathogens. Avoiding electromagnetic radiation (5G, radiation from electrical equipment and stations) is very important as well. Exposure to omnipresent harmful radiation in general weakens the immune system. This is well documented in the scientific literature. If your immune system is weakened due to electromagnetic radiation, vaccinations, medication you are taking, prolonged stress or because of your age you may have a more severe and prolonged reaction to Covid-19 strain. One of the effective methods to boost the body’s immunity and fight pathogens is the innovative Quantec device therapy.

What is Quantec therapy?

Quantec® is the latest diagnostic device that “reads” frequencies and vibrations in the energy field and physical body of a person, and thus, detects energetic flows disturbance, various diseases or a specific problem that a person struggles with. Quantec finds a deeper cause of the problem and indicates what vibrations and frequencies are needed for harmonious functioning, recovery from disease or maintaining optimal immunity. It also detects the presence of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites as well as other microorganisms and identifies the frequencies needed to eliminate them. The Quantec device database also has frequencies to eliminate coronavirus.


Quantec is a device that works at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It balances and corrects disturbed energy flow in the aura and human body and thus promotes health, well-being, mental and emotional balance.

Quantec therapy is used to:

  • detect and remove the causes of various diseases and helps eliminate parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi
  • strengthen the immune system which helps prevent diseases
  • improve emotional and mental well-being
  • restore inner peace and optimism
  • remove toxins and heavy metals from the body
  • help treat depression and mood disorders
  • detect and remove the cause of inner conflicts causing disharmony
  • alleviate pain
  • support recovery from illnesses
  • improve concentration, mental focus and enhances learing
  • improve sport and business achievements

Quantec therapy can be carried out remotely in the comfort of your own home. If you want more information about this therapy or speak to the therapist please click here.

