There has always been much debate over the human’s true nature and whether we are primarily thinking or feeling beings. Many people are confused about this since our mainly left brain orientated western society gives a lot of attention and credit to the logical mind and thinking processes. From very early age we have been taught to obey rules and tune out our feelings and emotions. School education places great emphasis on rational thinking and logical problem solving. It gives us a false perception that we are primarily thinking beings and our feelings are somehow less important and come second.  

Sue Zange, an energy sensitive and pioneer in subtle energy awareness in her book The Energies of Your Life explains: “Our primary nature is feeling. We are naturally driven by love…the need and desire to express love and receive love. That means at our very core, we are feeling beings. We feel first, then we think.” So, deep down inside we are sensing, intuitive and feeling beings with thoughts. And there is a way to prove this. As babies and young children, we experience emotions first, this is how we get to know, learn and make sense of the world and people around us. We rely on our sensing, subconscious brain to process our feelings, the logical and verbal mind kicks in further down the line of our development.

We also have our basic instincts we can rely on in times when we face an immediate danger or threat to our life. Genetic programming just kicks in when needed and our bodies activate the fight or flight response without any pre-thinking of the process. In times of immediate danger our logical mind gets bypassed as in such moments there is no time to think but it’s definitely time to act as quickly as possible. This protective reaction comes from our core feeling where we feel the danger with our body and energy. Within nanoseconds that core feeling is transferred to our mind which processes it in order to find meaning in it and that’s how a thought is born.

If you are mainly focused on your thinking, then you may not be able to catch that moment where a feeling changes into a thought and you miss out on an emotional aspect of your experience. Feelings will just bypass your conscious awareness and settle in the energy field around your physical body as energy forms, they often resemble colourful clouds. Feeling may also reside in the body such as its main organs. Each organ resonates with different frequency and specific emotions will be held in specific organs, e.g., fear often sits in the kidneys. Feelings will reside there until we process, understand and heal them. If you purposefully direct your focus into any given life experience and get in touch with your core feeling, you will have an opportunity to explore its emotional aspect and find richness in it.

Huge implications come with understanding of the fact that the true essence of our life transactions is emotional. When we realize that we are at our core feeling and intuitive beings, it will completely change the way we view our lives and life circumstances. Feelings occur as a result of our life experience and unique circumstances. There are a primary trigger for our response and an interesting lesson to learn and grow from them. We need to understand our emotional state to be true to ourselves, live authentically and discover a place of compassion, kindness and love.