Energy Field Healing is an advanced and innovative complementary therapy which works in the energy field around the person’s body, commonly known as aura. Human energy field is a matrix or meeting place of all our life experiences i.e. mental patterns including limiting beliefs, feelings and emotions and memories. It has an egg-like shape and is electromagnetic in nature i.e. it has the ability to attract events. It receives, transmits and stores all our life activity, all our energetic interactions.

These life energies are constantly flowing around you and through you. Life is precious and full of joyous as well as difficult experiences which shape you and your potentials. They all leave an energetic imprint or pattern in the energy field and will reside there until noticed and transformed. Such patterns and energy forms may be created at any point in time and hinder your life at the present moment.

energy field healingThe more energy interactions you have, the busier your life becomes which means you have to keep more and more balls in the air. Everyone has their own energetic capacity till they become overloaded, stressed and thrown out balance. A situation of energetic stress and overload will adversely affect you health, well-being, mental functions and creativity.

Subsequently, life consequences will kick in as your energy field full of difficult energies will attract like-for-like energies due to its electromagnetic nature. So chaos can only attract more chaos, stress draws more circumstances to experience stressful events. It is pure physics; there is nothing magical about it. When a series of misfortunes happen, they are often considered as bad luck as people can’t often explain rationally this phenomenon. Knowing about the aura and law of attraction we can deduce that the present moment can only be as good as the moment before it. Management of your life energies is an invaluable skill and requires your attention, dedication and effort.

Energy Field Healing is a unique healing approach which addresses the issues of ill-health and energy imbalance. It treats the whole person and transforms problems at mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level. It activates the body’s natural healing abilities and stimulates the immune system.

An experienced energy field healer cleanses, repairs and re-balances your energy field and by doing so, helps you manage your life energies better as well as introduces you to new serving potentials. You will have more capacity to deal with life circumstances and feel more aligned, energized and motivated. Energy Field Healing balances emotions, improves clarity of mind and restores a sense of being at peace. Rest assured that from the very first session you will notice a positive change in your overall health and well-being. Contact the healer to find out more about this pioneering alternative therapy.