Many people today struggle with physical and emotional diseases such as depression, phobias, obsessive thoughts, anxiety or a wide range of chronic illnesses. They often lose hope along the way, trying to uncover the source of their ailments and life struggles. What they fail to realize is that often the cause to their problems and the answer to their burning questions may not lie within their own life story. We know that we inherit physical aspects of our appearance but not many people are aware of the fact that the same way family traumas, unfinished business or misfortunes are also passed from one generation to the next.

Scientific research reveals that so called family inherited trauma does not end when the sufferer of the original traumatic event passes away but tends to continue beyond their lifetime, affecting the living and somewhat seeking resolution and healing. Fragments of past experiences, old fears and pains of our ancestors live in our very own bodies and minds in the present moment. Once these memories are triggered they make us relive certain aspects of the original trauma. The past never appears to be the past until it’s reconciled and healed. Mark Wolynn studies family traumas extensively in his work It didn’t start with you. How inherited family trauma shapes who we are and how to end the cycle.

You may not be fully aware how much the past affects and shapes your future so you may look for answers to your problems in the wrong places. The perfect solution appears to be blaming your parents for poor upbringing and misfortunes that have happened to you. You may also assume that your issues stem from your own life experience. In general, such thinking does not make things any better. On the contrary, it deepens frustration and unhappiness.

The real cause of your problems may be the result of traumatic family history you may not even know about. If you dag deeper into it, you may uncover a traumatic event that happened to your ancestors long ago which may be robbing you off your financial success, happy relationship or good health at the present moment. Hellinger believes that since we belong to a family system, we feel some sort of unconscious loyalty towards our family and that is why we decide to carry the family’s pain through to hopefully resolve it for the benefit of all involved.

Freud perceived it as an attempt of the unconscious mind to resolve what was unresolved and get right what went wrong.  The idea is that whatever is too traumatic and difficult to process will be tucked away in the unconscious mind ready to resurface some time later. Hence, tragedies such as suicide, war trauma, Holocaust ordeal, rejection by a parent or an unexpected loss of family member can echo across generations and cause distress within families many years down the line.

We have been given a gift of life by our parents. This extraordinary spark of life shaped us biologically, psychologically and energetically. How we have developed into who we are today was a long and complicated process, affected by many factors such as environmental influences, nutrient supply and the mother’s emotional state.

Ground-breaking discoveries in the fields of cellular biology and epigenetics suggest that not only the cellular environment an unborn baby is immersed in but also circumstances that occur prior to conception play a vital role in human development. It has been well established by science that in an unborn baby girl most eggs (oocytes) are formed in the ovaries before the third trimester of pregnancy. In fact, some eggs may be formed even earlier, approximately 5 months before birth. Hence, your mother was still a fetus (about 5-6 month’s old) in your maternal grandmother’s womb when the egg that gave rise to you was formed in her ovaries. At that point your grandmother, your mother and you, in your earliest form as an unfertilized egg, shared the very same cellular environment. You were connected biologically, psychologically and energetically. At the cellular level the three of you quite literary experienced life together which could have beneficial as well as detrimental influence on you, depends on experience.  A similar process took place on your paternal side, carrying through your paternal patterns into the equation.

 Psychiatrist Dr. Sack states: “Trauma has the power to reach out from the past and claim new victims.” Scientists proved beyond doubts through various experiments that chronic stressful and traumatic experiences are inherited and our genes retain some memory of them. Such traumas create specific genetic patterns and affect how genes are expressed in future generations.   These patterns translate into the human’s biology, behaviour and the ability to cope in life.

Bruce Lipton explains the purpose behind the change of  gene expressions and behavioural patterns is to pre-program the unborn child and help her adapt to the specific environment she will live in in the near future. Like a survival program, it essentially prepares the child to become reactive in similar circumstances.

From the energy field healer’s point of view, family wounds and traumas seek resolution, balance and healing. Family members work as a team in energy terms, they form a family dynamic, one energetic body, connecting them by way of a fascinating energetic web. whether they want it or not, they affect one another. What gets healed in the family helps all family members move forwards and raise vibration.  Energy Field Healing is an innovative mode of healing that helps heal family wounds and traumas as well as enhance your health, well-being and future potentials.