For hundreds years, old scientific theories made us believe that our bodies were no more than solid objects and the universe around us was an enormous, machine-like system, running according to a predictable set of laws. As we rushed around our daily lives in our mechanistic and materialistic world, we lost sight of the deeper human experience, our spiritual nature, the God’s spark within us.
Ancient traditions for millennia have spoken of ‘prana’-a universal energy or breath of life moving through all things in the universe. Scientists have also begun to realise that the universe is not made of building blocks of physical matter but is a dynamic and complex web of energy patterns. We live immersed in an extraordinary network of energy fields that are interconnected and create the universe that is inseparable and whole, with no isolated parts and objects, where we affect each other all the time, even at a distance. All things and creatures have this extraordinary and intelligent field of energy within and around them, including humans.
We constantly exchange energetic data with others through our energy field. It is ‘the meeting place’ for all our thoughts, emotions, experiences, memories and behaviours and ‘the missing link’ between the physical and psychological aspects of our being.
The busier our life is, the busier our energy field will become, with more and more energetic data to process, similarly to a computer system. Eventually, the flow of energy in our energy system will reach its capacity and become overloaded and imbalanced. Mental overload, self limiting beliefs and stuck emotions will slow down the energy flow, cause stagnation and eventually blocks in our energy system.
This leads to a lot of problems from impaired productivity and creativity, poor concentration through emotional instability to a manifestation of a physical disease in the body. It usually expresses itself as some sort of pain at the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. Pain is a sign that there is something wrong going on in the body, that something needs correcting, dealing with and healing.

According to many spiritual healers, illness is a lesson that has a deeply personal meaning and is a direct message from our body to bring our attention to the issue that needs addressing. It is the result of separation and forgetting who we truly are. They encourage us to ask the key questions when presented with a disease:

What does this disease mean?
What does this pain mean?
What is my body trying to tell me?
Stop for a minute and feel in your heart how this resonates with you.

Commitment to releasing our wounds, spiritual development and embracing wholeness and interconnectedness are a key to healing illnesses and pains. There are many ways to do that and to follow your own path of healing and transformation.
Energy Field Healing and Quantec therapy are unique therapeutic approaches that will help healing from a disease. They help release old energy blocks, stuck emotions and wounds to enhance your health and well-being. They also activate your body’s own healing mechanisms and can bring a truly transformational change in your life.

Are stuck in your life and struggle to find solutions to your problems?

Do you go through a health challenge or serious disease and need help?

Do you experience a lack of motivation and energy to ‘get going’ with your tasks?

Are you stressed and unable to cope?  

If you experience any of these issues why not contact the energy medicine therapist  to discuss how they can help you improve mood, energy levels as well as health and quality of life? Contact Quantec therapy today for a free consultation.