The energy field around our body also known as aura or bio-field is a subtle, unseen for an untrained eye, field of energy that stretches out and around our physical body. It can be described by clairvoyantly gifted people or captured by the Kirlian photography as swirls of radiant colours constantly changing depending on our mood and current energetic state. In psychology, this auric field is described as our personal space. We definitely become aware of it when a stranger enters it in a tightly packed lift or bus.

Part of our energy field is supplied by chakras, sometimes called the wheels of life or energy centres. Chakras like the whole energy field vibrate and change- they receive energy from the environment and transmit it out as well. Most Eastern traditions acknowledge seven major chakras located along the central column running from the top of the head to the perineum as well as a different number of minor ones located throughout the body. The main energy centres have a different colour, frequency and function in the body. At the spiritual level, chakras are a fascinating map of our consciousness depicting our personal life journey, difficulties and skills that mark our personal growth.
The environment we live in from childhood onwards affects the development and function of our wheels of life. If our early years were filled with conflict, fear and deprivation, it will be reflected in the form of blocks and imbalance in the whole system but mainly in the root and sacral chakras that are responsible for survival and relationships.

Balanced, developed and nurtured chakras translate into life strengths and potentials. Blocked, under- or overactive energy centres need to be harmonised and rebalanced. Working with our chakras leads us to a deep understanding of life and our personal mission that we have come to fulfil. There are many tools and techniques we can use to work with them to enhance our lives and wellbeing. There is an enormous amount of literature out there concerning chakras to assist your inner work; it is a matter of browsing the Internet.
If you lack confidence to start your inner spiritual journey, you can find a healer that helps you work with your chakras or utilize the radionic therapy with Quantec.
Quantec has a unique database of tools to balance and work with your chakras to help you identify blocks and stagnation in the chakra system. For more information about Quantec therapy please go to the About Quantec and Quantec therapy sections.