About 70% of our planet’s surface is covered by water. It is no coincidence that the human body consists of about 70% of water in total as well. So, we are a body of water and this magnificent liquid is a basic building block of life on planet Earth, critical to our very survival. We all know that drinking water is good for our health and many diseases can be kept at bay just by maintaining an optimal level of hydration. When we are dehydrated we feel tired, headachy and unfocused but it just a tip of the iceberg of the body’s cry for water. Our level of hydration has a major impact on our physical and mental performance, the strength of our immune system and overall resistance to illnesses and aging.

Water acts as a transportation and irrigation system in the body- it supplies the body’s cells in vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals as well as gets rid of the metabolism waste products. It is also an important lubricant and shock absorber which protects our vital organs and greases our joints. It cools our body down by producing sweat on a hot, sunny day as well. Little has been understood about how exactly water performs all these functions in the body until new groundbreaking research has recently emerged. So far, it has been crystal clear to the scientists that when we consume water or water infused foods, it reaches the digestive tract and then is transported throughout the tissues and cells with blood. New findings have confirmed that fascia which is connective tissue surrounding body parts from organs to muscles to blood vessels plays a vital role in hydrating the whole body.

So far, fascia has been well known as the body’s scaffolding and its main role was to protect the internal organs from injury and keep them where they belonged on the body’s map. The new exciting research has proved beyond all doubt that fascia is in fact an extraordinary web-like water transportation system in the body and its key function is water distribution and hydration at cellular level.

The fascia system is not only an incredible hydraulic system that retains water and moves it across the body to ensure optimal hydration but is also known to be electrical in nature. Water is a conduit of electricity and scientists have found out that fascia also participates in transmitting electrical charges at a highly impressive speed. In fact, the latest research shows that fascia has superconduction properties which enable it to act as superfast means of communication and information transfer across the human organism. It connects water delivery with movement which is the main driver behind distributing this life sustaining liquid into the body’s tissues and cells. Hence, it is important to drink water and move your body to ensure your fascia is kept healthy and well functioning. The optimal body’s hydration process should be twofold drinking water being the first step and then moving your body afterwards to get that water into your cells.

Fascia has also been reported to respond to vibration and sound energies which opens new opportunities for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. This is because it runs on special kind of gel-like structured water which similar to a tuning fork can tune to specific frequencies. One of such diagnostic and treatment devices based on using specific health promoting vibrations is Quantec.

It is also believed that fascia is the means by which the vital energy called chi in Chinese medicine  is distributed along these pathways which correspond to the classical acupuncture meridians often running parallel to the cardiovascular system . The unobstructed flow of chi is vital to our health and its blockages caused by stressful lifestyle, stuck emotions and traumas lead to an overload of the energy system and consequently disease. This new discovered gel water system made of connective tissue still requires further research and investigation to unearth its full potential and application. You can find a lot more information about fascia in Dana Cohen and Gina Bria’s book Quench.

If you are interested in how this amazing system of fascia works, please check it out on You tube.

These new revolutionary discoveries shed a new light on how a disease starts in the physical body. Dr. Kristen Deutschländer, a German general practitioner with additional qualifications in complementary medicine, also actively involved in water research at the international level, has proposed a new interesting hypothesis about how a disease process initiates in the body right at the fascia level.

According to her, an illness starts in the body at the physical level as so called “water structure disorder” which means that the structured water normally residing in the body (as we now know in our fascia) loses its hexagonal structure under some sort of internal or external stressor. The water’s disturbed structure can be caused by certain environmental factors such as toxins, sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet or can arise from prolonged stress, traumas and emotional wounds, depression and negative emotions. This theory bridges the gap between the conventional medicine with its main focus on the physical causes of diseases and energy medicine addressing  illnesses at its energetic level.  It shows very clearly how body, mind and emotions work together in harmony and are interconnected, creating an inseparable whole and an incredible ecosystem such as the human organism. We cannot separate our physical bodies form our thoughts and emotions arising as a result of our life experience as well as lifestyle we choose to follow.

We can draw one very important conclusion form this theory- to stay healthy and continue to improve our health and well-being we need address it at every level- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. We should not only drink good quality water, take supplements, eat a healthy plant based diet with a high content of structured water as well as move the body regularly but we also need to address the quality of our thoughts and heal our emotions and traumas.