We often think that maintaining peace in the world is other people’s responsibility and we tend to look to the politicians and spiritual leaders to keep the world and our countries stable. In today’s world torn by conflict, violence and a constant threat of a global war, peace is not something that should be taken for granted. Peace is very much something of a great and indispensible value similar to health and love. It is something we simply cannot go without if we are to flourish and grow. People around the world who are forced to flee armed conflicts to save their  and their families’ lives know too well what it is like to lose peace and life stability. Peace creates a nourishing environment for all aspects of our life and is a starting point for creativity and growth.

Those of you who think that working towards achieving global and personal peace is a truly Herculean effort will be glad to learn that it is not. Remember what Mahatma Ghandi said and “be the change you wish to see in the world”. So, rather than step back and look to the world’s leaders to keep the troubled political waters in check, it would be a good idea to start small and build your very own sanctuary of peace first. Whatever contribution you make towards generating peace at the personal level, will eventually manifest in the big picture as well. It will slowly but surely ripple around into your immediate environment- your family, friends and acquaintances to then start spreading further and further out to reach communities which make up the global population.

When I studied and trained to be a holistic therapist and an energy field healer, I was told on the very first lesson that you cannot help and heal other people unless you heal yourself first. You need to face self healing journey and work through your own wounds, traumas and limitations in the first instance before your guide your clients on their healing path.  The same principle can be applied to spreading peace in the world. Whatever change you decide to make in your life, start with yourself and practice within your own surroundings first. How is it achieved?

Unfortunately, people too often appreciate peaceful living when they lose their peace, when life gets complicated, difficult and simply gets on top of them.  You may sometimes hear people say that they cannot cope anymore. Mental and emotional exhaustion deprives people of their peace of mind, impairs clear thinking and stirs emotions up. It all comes back to their energy field not being able to cope with processing the amount of the energetic data they are being bombarded with at the time.

When the flow of energy in your energy field is strong and balanced, you have good health and feel positive about life. However, stress, busyness and everyday problems affect adversely the quality of the energy field. Trying to keep all the balls up in the air in every aspect of your life requires a massive amount of energy and your energy field has a limited capacity only to deal with your daily commitments.   

To manage the increased amount of your daily interactions and chores, your energy field needs to go up a gear and start processing at a much quicker pace. This is the time when you feel rushed, stressed, overwhelmed and finally out of control. Anxiety kicks in and chaos is inevitable. Uncontrolled and chaotic states of energy cause poor memory recall, confusion and misunderstandings as you are no longer able to read what is happening around you correctly. It also triggers random and unexpected events to happen- miscommunication, accidents, dramas, conflicts. This is the time when you’ve lost not only your peace of mind but command of your life. You need to step back, gather yourself and regain control to return to your personal peace zone.

Some strategies below may help you regain balance and internal peace:

  • When you feel het-up and overwhelmed, stop what you are doing for a moment to just be still and quiet. Finding some time just for yourself to acknowledge your feelings, examine your thoughts and identify chaotic elements can help clear your head and stirred up emotions.
  • It is a good idea to incorporate into your busy schedule some relaxation time just for yourself. What is it that you find relaxing and enjoyable? A relaxing aromatherapy massage, a stroll in the park or a hike in the mountains? Find something that you enjoy doing that brings positive energy into your life and recharges your batteries. Being in nature is also very relaxing and nurturing.
  • Personal peace is very much linked with the peaceful heart. If you are stuck in a job you hate or relationship that makes you unhappy, your heart is not at peace. Perhaps, it is time for you to examine the quality of your relationships and rethink your career to bring it more joy, satisfaction and love into your life. Exploring and identifying your deepest heart desires gives a sense of direction and purpose in life. And doing what your truly love and enjoy generates even more joy and peace.
  • It may also be worth exploring some peace generating mindfulness practices such as grounding and being ‘in the now’, visualisation, breathing exercises and meditation. Regular mindfulness work helps manage emotional and mental backlog, calms the mind and keeps stress levels under control. If you are interested in doing some energy exercises that help move vital energy in the body and synchronize them with breathing practices, Qi Gong may be a great option for you. It has a wide range of benefits e.g. can aid lower stress levels and improve overall health.
  • Consider assistance of a healing therapist if you struggle to cope, go through a very difficult time in your life or are troubled by the past hurtful events. You can be guided through a healing process to release past wounds at your own pace and in your own time. The more you address your own issues, the more peaceful your life will be.

Even in today’s fast paced world peace is achievable one step at a time. Ultimately, it is your choice to take that first step to start the momentum going so it reaches out into the world to bring in more peace, love and joy.