The concept of toxins and their adverse effect on our health has not been very well known until recent years. More people are still blissfully unaware of the fact that a great deal of diseases stem from a toxic overload they carry in the bodies. These toxins can adversely affect not only the body, causing physical ailments, and the mind, often giving cerebral symptoms, but also can be very damaging to the spirit- by some people called the soul or psyche.

Often times, when people fall ill, they attribute their health problems mainly to a physical malfunctioning of the body or its part. They may indeed have a physical condition, but the root cause of it sits much deeper. If our inner nature has been affected on an emotional or spiritual level, this can also lead to some sort of physical manifestation in the body which will not recover good health unless the emotions and spirit are detoxified and healed. If we focus on cleansing and balancing the physical body only, we will never attain full health as the body, mind and spirit are interconnected and work synergistically- a healthy body needs  a healthy mind and spirit.

As we go through life we face different challenges and life events as well as experience a palette of emotions which build a bank of our own unique memories. These experiences and memories, whether good or bad, are stored in the cells of the body on the physical level and in our auric field on an energetic level. They may include diseases, physical injuries (e.g. road traffic accidents)  and emotional or spiritual traumas (e.g. physical abuse, divorce, loss of faith).

Some of these traumatic events may be suppressed and forgotten so the person is not consciously aware of them. However, the soul and cells remember. Conscious or unconscious traumatic memories will continue to exert stress on the whole person at the cellular level and hinder the correct function of the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems which affects their health.

Some people handle these toxic events by denying their very existence, as if they have never occurred. They choose to suppress them rather than facing and healing them. Little they know that keeping these toxins at bay requires a massive amount of energy which could have been otherwise used for healing their bodies or fulfilling their dreams to create a better future for themselves. They’d rather remain wounded and in pain than face the unknown and heal. The truth of the matter is that the actual processing of holding onto these wounds is unkind to oneself.

Toxins of the mind and spirit because of their very nature need a very different approach and detoxification techniques. Some problems will require professional help and others can be addressed with self-help techniques. An experienced therapist can guide you though the healing process at your own pace and will help you release hidden traumas and wounds so you can move forward in life. Energy Filed Healing and Quantec therapy are unique and innovative complementary approaches that can aid you to do just that. Releasing toxins of the mind and spirit  requires time, patience and commitment to the process.

The only true way of dealing with past traumas is to chose to heal. We first need to acknowledge our pain and and ‘be’ in our pain which is a more serving and kinder choice, than hiding the pain, or venting it. Many people may not be prepared to do that as they are simply unwilling to ‘be’ in their own pain. However, from the moment we connect with the pain inside us, we are then empowered to heal it. We are unable to move from any position of pain and distress until we first offer forgiveness and this is the next step in the process- we release our pain through forgiveness of out heart.  We forgive other people who caused us harm or ourselves and release guilt and blame. It is about being kind, compassionate and forgiving to each other and to ourselves to be able to create a happier life we all deserve.