New quantum therapy improves health and well-being

Radionics is a branch of energy medicine which utilizes radionic devices to diagnose and treat disease from a vibrational perspective. This therapy allows a trained radionic practitioner to measure and quantify the vibrations of physical body with its organs, the energy centres or chakras, the energy field around the body with its higher spiritual layers.…

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Do we think or feel first? Get to know your true nature

There has always been much debate over the human’s true nature and whether we are primarily thinking or feeling beings. Many people are confused about this since our mainly left brain orientated western society gives a lot of attention and credit to the logical mind and thinking processes. From very early age we have been…

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What really stress does to you?

To fight or flight- that is the question? In today’s fast paced world most people agree that a busy and stressful life is just a norm. It just the way it is, not much can be done about it, you may think. People rush around their over-busy lives day in and day out without giving…

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What are internal toxins and how to remove them?

Almost every person living in today’s polluted world has some sort of internal toxins in their bodies. We are exposed to an enormous amount of toxic substances every single day- in water we drink, air we breathe or food we eat. Regular and ongoing exposure to harmful chemicals and other toxins leads to an accumulation…

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Blood transfusion and cellular memory

Blood transfusion is a medical procedure of transferring blood or its components into one’s circulation via a vein. It is used when a person is ill or injured to replace lost blood, e.g. after a car accident. It is a fairly short and often life saving treatment. If carried out safely and correctly, it does…

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What’s the problem with today’s medicine?

Disease centred approach Allopathic medicine these days seems to perceive health mainly as an absence of disease. An illness, on the other hand, is seen more often as a natural state and experience that we all have to go through at some point in our lives. Sometimes it lasts shorter, sometimes longer and more often…

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