New quantum therapy improves health and well-being

Radionics is a branch of energy medicine which utilizes radionic devices to diagnose and treat disease from a vibrational perspective. This therapy allows a trained radionic practitioner to measure and quantify the vibrations of physical body with its organs, the energy centres or chakras, the energy field around the body with its higher spiritual layers.…

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Energy Field Healing- a new and innovative way of healing body, mind and emotions

Energy Field Healing is an advanced and innovative complementary therapy which works in the energy field around the person’s body, commonly known as aura. Human energy field is a matrix or meeting place of all our life experiences i.e. mental patterns including limiting beliefs, feelings and emotions and memories. It has an egg-like shape and…

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What’s the problem with today’s medicine?

Disease centred approach Allopathic medicine these days seems to perceive health mainly as an absence of disease. An illness, on the other hand, is seen more often as a natural state and experience that we all have to go through at some point in our lives. Sometimes it lasts shorter, sometimes longer and more often…

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