Energy Field Healing- a new and innovative way of healing body, mind and emotions

Energy Field Healing is an advanced and innovative complementary therapy which works in the energy field around the person’s body, commonly known as aura. Human energy field is a matrix or meeting place of all our life experiences i.e. mental patterns including limiting beliefs, feelings and emotions and memories. It has an egg-like shape and…

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Do we think or feel first? Get to know your true nature

There has always been much debate over the human’s true nature and whether we are primarily thinking or feeling beings. Many people are confused about this since our mainly left brain orientated western society gives a lot of attention and credit to the logical mind and thinking processes. From very early age we have been…

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Harmonising your wheels of life- how to work with your chakras

The energy field around our body also known as aura or bio-field is a subtle, unseen for an untrained eye, field of energy that stretches out and around our physical body. It can be described by clairvoyantly gifted people or captured by the Kirlian photography as swirls of radiant colours constantly changing depending on our…

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