Almost every person living in today’s polluted world has some sort of internal toxins in their bodies. We are exposed to an enormous amount of toxic substances every single day- in water we drink, air we breathe or food we eat. Regular and ongoing exposure to harmful chemicals and other toxins leads to an accumulation of them in the body and overburdens our detoxification mechanisms. In the long run this will finally cause health challenges such as: headache, fatigue, irritability, memory loss, mental confusion, “flu-like” symptoms, mucous membrane irritation, skin problems, eye inflammation, allergies and musculo-skeletal pains and aches.

Most common types of internal toxins

Microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, moulds, yeasts, fungi and parasites. As they grow and multiply in the body, they release toxic metabolic waste products which we are sensitive to. Illnesses caused by microorganisms are due to our allergic reactions to their metabolic products. Their presence exacerbates the symptoms of the illnesses they cause as well as the protein they made of is often allergenic to humans.

Chemicals that are foreign to the body which can be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. They can be stored in the body and become internal toxins, e.g. perfumes, body soaps, lotions, toxin in food and water, gasoline fumes, cleaning products, heavy metals.

Dental restorations include fillings, inlays, crowns and bridges which are made of metals, acrylics, resins, binders and cements, e.g. amalgam fillings which contain mercury, known to be very toxic to humans. These materials can be toxic as they migrate into the gums, jawbone and bloodstream, where they will affect the whole body.

Medical implants used to repair the body or replace a missing body part, e.g., a titanium implant to replace a missing skull bone or a worn out joint. Sadly, many people become allergic to titanium and develop a lot of problems after medical procedures.

Silicone implants used in plastic and reconstructive surgery can also cause many problems as they may rupture or start slowly seeping into the surrounding tissues and cause chronic inflammation. This weakens the immune system and leads to autoimmune responses, whereby the body will start attacking its own tissues and organs.

Cellular metabolism products- these are the body’s own metabolic waste products, by-products of normal physiological functions e.g. bilirubin, uric acid or creatinine which need to be eliminated as quickly and efficiently as possible to maintain the body’s homeostasis.

Hormones and neurotransmitters can also become a source of internal toxicity. If the fine hormonal balance is compromised and their excess or deficiency become persistent, it can result in some unusual symptoms, e.g. people with low levels of histamine are fearful of themselves and the world around them; children can be hyperactive. Serotonin deficiency, on the other hand, can cause constant hunger.

Non-chemical toxins- not many people realize that emotional traumas, spiritual crisis or cumulative life experiences can be internal toxins as well. Bereavement, abuse by a partner or a loss of spiritual connection can be internally damaging to most people. These are the toxins that affect the mind, emotions and spirit and if they persist for a long time, they can manifest in the body which will not heal unless, the root cause is addressed and resolved. Sometimes we are not even aware of some emotional traumas as they may get repositioned and stored in the unconscious mind as a protection mechanism. Every life experience leaves an imprint in our body, mind and energy.

How to deal with internal toxins

Internal toxins can be safely removed from the body in many ways depending on the type of toxic aspect we wish to deal with. There is a variety of traditional and complementary detoxifying therapies available to assist with that. The very first step to take is to stop further exposure to toxic substances as much as practically possible and start releasing from its toxic overload and its origin- a pathogen, heavy metals or toxic emotions.

The latest treatment which is effective at treating microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites is radionic therapy with Quantec. This mode of treatment sends balancing vibrations which are safe for the human body but harmful to the pathogens. The uninvited guests are inactivated by Quantec so the organism’s defence systems can deal with the intruders.

Toxic substances such as heavy metals or other toxic chemical substances we have been exposed cause ill-health and contribute to hormonal imbalances. Quantec therapy can assist with removing these from the body and help regain hormonal homeostasis. Quantec can also administer vitamins and supplements in the energetic form needed to facilitate detoxification.

Energy Field Healing is another type of alternative therapy which is particularly effective at holistically treating the whole person- balancing emotions, clearing the mind and by doing so, healing the body and reviving spirit. It aids to heal physical, emotional and psychological traumas as well as work through difficult life experiences.

Any physical or emotional trauma (e.g. car accidents, divorce) may damage the structure of our aura or energy field, our protective field of energy which embraces the physical body. This has significant implications in every aspect of our life. As a result of a traumatic experience, we lose pace and life becomes a struggle. We may also experience physical pain in the body which may be caused by the underlying trauma. Energy Field Healing helps repair, rebuild and re-energize our energetic structure and by doing so, it relieves physical ailments, transforms non-serving emotional states and brings back a positive energetic flow to our life. We feel calmer, happier and more whole.