To fight or flight- that is the question?

In today’s fast paced world most people agree that a busy and stressful life is just a norm. It just the way it is, not much can be done about it, you may think. People rush around their over-busy lives day in and day out without giving their existence a second thought. They get up in the morning, have a coffee, take kids to school and go to work. Eight or so hours later they pick up kids from school and rush home to eat a quick meal, watch TV and fall asleep on the sofa. Life becomes a series of race against time activities that seem to have no end.

But did you think what life full of stress really does you? Not many people think about it. Every time you are exposed to a stressful stimulus like queuing in a traffic jam, listening to distressing news on TV or running late for an appointment, you body is flooded with stress hormones and neurotransmitters, modifying your behaviours accordingly.  Stress is a threat to your well-being and your body will activate a coping mechanism. You may not be chased down by a lion anymore like your ancestors but your body still goes through an automatic fight or flight response every time you are under some sort of stress. It has to summon all your energy to your extremities to protect you from real or imagined danger. This very action separates you from your environment as a threat is somewhere out there.

When your body goes into the protective mode, it diverts your blood and energy from the vital internal organs to your arms and legs to fend off or flee from a dangerous situation. During the time when you body deals with a stressor, your cells and tissues have an inadequate blood supply and cannot repair and regenerate. It is just not the time to digest your food or produce new cells when your life is potentially at stake. The fight and flight response naturally blocks the growth processes and life sustaining energy production as well as compromises the immune system to conserve the existing energy reserves. As long as this process lasts for a fairly short period of time, it’s not a problem. You body can cope with it safely.


The issue arises when people continue to live and function in a state of permanent stress for long time and it now becomes clear why. In a prolonged stress scenario, the body cannot repair itself, cannot produce new cells or absorb vital nutrients from food. It also cannot protect itself from infections. There is just very low or no fuel in the system for the physical body to run on.

Stress seen through the energy eyes

In energy terms stress is conflict energy. On a deeper level, it is about opposing energetic forces meeting together which creates pressure in your energy field. Conflict arises between your values, beliefs and desires and the current situation you’ve found yourself in. You have a moral compass within you- you know what is right, fair and what you are willing to accept to make the most serving choices in your life. However, life is life and you may have to do something which goes against your core set of values or something you don’t want do, e.g. you may have to go work you don’t like to feed your family and pay your bills.  You allow your will to override your values. This situation will build up pressure in your energy field and create conflict between your values and your will which will adversely affect your vital energy flows. It will start to slow your energetic flows down and it will lead to stagnation and denseness in your energy field. You overall energetic processing will be adversely affected.

When you are stressed, you feel insecure and threatened so you will naturally pull your energies together. You will reinforce your energetic boundries and separate yourself from the world. When you gather your energies inwards to contain yourself, you will pull out your grounding. This will hinder the flow of fresh energy from the earth.

Stressful situation consumes a lot of energy and it will start manifesting itself at physical, mental and emotional level. Physically, you will feel tired, tense and lacking energy for your activities. You immune system will not have enough energy to keep your defence mechanisms active and infections at bay. Mentally, you will feel overwhelmed and overloaded. Your mental functions will be compromised and you will struggle to think straight- poor memory recall, impaired reasoning and a lack of creativity will become evident. You will also start losing emotional control, feeling distressed, tearful and overall emotionally unstable.

Stress weakens your auric layers and if it continues long term, it will eventually break down the integrity and cohesion of the whole energy field. When this happens, people start to play out life scenarios from the stressed and unstable energy- they  tend to lose the command of their life, become chaotic, irrational and as consequence, unmanageable. This leads inevitably to random life happenings playing themselves out such as arguments, accidents, relationship breakdown or volatile scenarios etc. These extreme states are best to be voided as they may have very serious implications.

How to manage stress?

Introspection– explore your current life situation, your values, beliefs  and what’s important to you and what is not. Explore the aspects of your life that are enriching you- your passions, heart desires and activities that bring you joy. Every time you do something you enjoy, it expands and generates more joy in your life so it is well worth pursing them.

Next, look at the activities that feel like a chore, you have to do them or you try and avoid them. If you don’t enjoy something, e.g. your job, it will bring you down, drain your energy and devalue you as a person. It would be a much kinder choice to stop activities that consume your energy resources which don’t correspond with your core values. You may need plan B. It may take some time and effort to gradually start moving away from people and situations causing you distress but it would be well worth it in the end.

Energy Field Healing– if you feel stressed, overworked and undervalued, why not have an aura cleansing session? Energy Field Healing can assist you with cleansing your energy field from chaotic, random and non-serving energies and rebuilding the whole system to improve health and wellbeing. After the session you will feel renewed and re-energised physically, mentally and emotionally, ready to replan your life. Energy Field Healing helps you manage stress effectively, it balances emotions and clears the mind.

Meditation and yoga can help you stop the over-busyness of your life. These practices help you become quiet and still. A good way of managing stress may be  incorporating into your busy schedule short 10-15 min brakes at regular intervals when you pause your activity and give yourself time be still and quieten your mind.

Breathing exercises– the way you breathe has an impact on your body. Pay attention to your breathing when you are calm and relaxed. Breathing exercises are a good way to help your body relax and unwind. They calm your mind, reduce tension and help manage your stress. They are easy to do and you can do them wherever you want.