As an Energy Field Healer I view the world through the energy eyes and I am amazed to see how this invisible sea of energy which we are surrounded with shapes our lives and future potentials. Every single day we participate in an enormous amount of personal interactions with other people and receive energetic data in the form of emotions and thoughts that flow through our energy field as well as get absorbed by it. We are consciously aware of a mere fraction of these life transactions; the rest is processed by our unconscious mind beyond our conscious awareness.

The amount of energetic data flowing in and out of our energy field is dictated by the busyness of our life- for some people it may be a busy highway or others, a quieter country lane. All these energy transmissions, invisible to the naked eye, create some sort of response in us such as a feeling, thought, idea or desire. Some of these emotional and mental energies are resolved and processed; however, a lot of them will remain in the energy field and we will carry them around with us. Any unprocessed event, experience or emotion where we were unable to forgive and let go of will add to our ‘life baggage’, mount up on top of the existing patterns and trigger the more of the same situations in our life.

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes become upset about a seemingly minor issue that has happened to you? It is because unresolved emotional or mental patterns become compounded in the energy field and when triggered sometime later, will provoke a disproportionately strong reaction to a relatively trivial event.

All our energetic exchange with other people and the environment creates our current energetic state- a baseline we operate from in our daily life which dictates what is possible for us to achieve in a given moment. According to the Law of Attraction where like attracts like, we can only attract to our lives potentials based on our current state of energy. It’s no magic but pure science. Every moment is only as good as the moment before it.

A massive amount of self help literature available on the market often suggests that we can fulfil our dreams and desires by just affirming or visualising our goals. This is not exactly correct. The condition of our energy or our energetic baseline is absolutely vital to achieve our goals and desires.

Our current energetic state drives our perceptions and motivations and needs to match energetically what we desire. To do that our energy field should be in a good shape- clear, aligned and balanced. This is why a regular cleansing and balancing of the energy field (energy field healing)  is so important  to our optimal day-to-day functioning and some of the benefits are:

  1. It helps alleviate physical ailments caused by energetic blocks in the energy field,enhances well-being and promotes wellness.
  2. It helps deal with traumas and difficult experiences which may be blocking your true potential.
  3. Clear energy field changes perception filters, increases mental focus as well as motivation and empowers to act to achieve our heart desires.
  4. Clear aura means also more capacity to deal with life transactions; you feel reenergised and you can achieve a lot more in a day.
  5. Cleansing energy field enhances mental processing and improves memory.
  6. In a clear space you can get to know yourself better as well as your true passions and heart desires, you will also see more opportunities available to you to accomplish them.
  7. It helps balance emotions and release non-serving emotional patterns.

If you have never experienced this mode of healing, I would highly recommend it. Find out more about this extraordinary therapy  at